For LIC Agents

5 Proven ways to generate Leads / LIC Customers online

Getting new customer or lead is an art. In this internet enabled era, you can easily meet your LIC Policy target within the limited time period with new approaches. 

Here I have listed out 5 ways to get new LIC customer online. 

1. Create your online presence.

For LIC Agents, one of the common issues is lack of visibility. Many of the customers are looking for an LIC Agent within their locality.

Register your name and agency details with free online directories like LIC Agent Portal, or other free directory services. I recommend LIC Agent Portal, as I have registered with them and got significant number of leads. 

Once you registered with the portal, your details would be published. Whenever an lead looking for an agent within their location, your profile would stands out.

2. Batch Email campaign for Smaller groups

I know we all want to do the campaign and get new leads, but the way you be more personal you may get the better results. 
You may get good results when you targeting 50 to 100 email leads in a month and reaching out them with a personalized email outlining one good fast moving and beneficial LIC Policy details than any other form of mass communication out there.

Assume that, getting a personal email that includes a statement like : “We have found an better LIC policy for your need. We've also found that one of the best endowment policy which you may looking for. If you would like to get more details or learn about the product, please contact me at (XXXXX-XXXXX) your phone number.

3. Warm Calling

I never recommend cold calling, but most of the people do it. The issue is that the cold call ends with dumb calling. I still get calls today from many insurance agents who start with, "Hey, you are eligible for insurance plan, can we talk some time on the product?."

The moment I hear the statement, I hang-up the call. This is what happens with 90% of cold calls. Pick the phone after a thorough research with relevant and personalized product and begin the discussion is how you can create warm calls.

4. LIC customers through Social networking

Social networking becomes smart networking for smarter people. If you want to make leads in more social. Create a dedicated page in Facebook / Google + / twitter, as most of the users' are roaming over there. 

Create a visibility and drive your page to significant amount of target audience. Personally keep in touch with every users. 

Create some product related personalized pamphlets and videos to share with them. Keep posting on the latest LIC policy information and benefits of that. 

Over the period, you can realize the benefit. This is an time consuming process, all you need is - patience, patience and patience. Instead of creating new network, see who you can connect with, reach into your existing page and find a significant amount of people who need insurance policies in your network.

5. Paid Campaigns

I’ve placed advertising for lead generation, it doesn't mean that all the above 4 steps are not effective, this strengthens your visibility when someone is looking for and LIC agent like you. Paid ads are the one which create leads with very little effort and little money. For start-ups and new campaigners, Google Adwords is offering Rs. 2000. You can start with some small amount of budget at initial level.

Try to achieve all the above 5 Steps, you can see the significant change in your business.

Happy Business... 


  1. very nice info

  2. This is not the customers simply make you hang around them.actually they buy plans from their known agents.i offered even 30% Discount to one such client,but nothing happened

  3. We cannot say it is not reality, most of the agents are still making new leads through online, like facebook,, common lic forums etc..
